YK Lavish Levitates the Anxiety and Clouds of Worries with a Profound Rap Song ‘Bless’em’
The melody is God’s creation and only a few in the world can do just with it; such a pioneering rapper YK Lavish records a new rap song ‘Bless’em’ to spread the voice of hope for a better day in a disaster the whole world is succumbing to. The emerging Philadelphia hiphop artist shows the world that with the powerful hip hop track that a barren mind is a living dead and life without hope is like dying every day. He has come up with a song full of positivity and high hopes, that the world needs right now to overcome the worries for the loved ones and the dreary thoughts about the future.
YK Lavish makes the independent record ‘Bless’em’ from his home studio to tell his fans that they are all in this together and will come out stronger from the abyss of disappointment with the flickering hope. The song is explicitly dedicated to the deceased and the survivors of the pandemic to remind them that God has not left us. It’s a song about a strong mindset and self-belief that is the blessing that can shield us from getting broken. Its slightly heavy bass line with an impeccable word flow magnetizes the brighter side of our precious life.
He had a tough childhood which taught him to be a good man in any circumstances and found the beauty of life through music. He raps and writes songs to vent out the energy he captures from the daily hustles and the emotions he succumbs to, making him more of a human. Meek Mill is his inspiration to throw himself completely into the world of musical euphoria. He is a strong father who cares and hopes to see the better day soon and let his creative flow of work coming. Follow him on Twitter and Instagram for more.
Listen to the song ‘Bless’em’ on Soundcloud: