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How to Make Press Releases Social Media Friendly?


Organizations publish frequent press releases to create buzz. Now with the internet, it has become even more important to make press releases social media friendly.

Make Press Releases Social Media Friendly

Press releases are written company statements sent directly to media outlets and journalists to gain positive coverage, and publicity, and generate buzz. As print media started declining and a major shift happened with digital media, press releases quickly gained their place and popularity in the digital sphere. Since then it has become even more important to create press releases that are social media friendly.

Currently, there are around 4.88 billion people who use social media. So it is a huge audience pool that companies and brands can reach with their press releases. Surely it is enough to create buzz around the organization and its offerings through well-crafted press releases and their solid distribution. So let’s learn how to make press releases social media friendly so your brand can tap into the huge pool of social media users.

What is a Social Media-friendly Press Release?

As the name suggests, social media-friendly press releases are crafted to be shared on social media platforms. It can either be shared directly on various social media platforms or shared on the brand website so that it can be shared around easily. Simply put, social media press releases are more interactive and spirited than traditional press releases. When PR (Press Release) content is written for social media platforms, it also uses different kinds of formats, such as attracting images and video content. The point is social media PRs are crafted to resonate with social media users to go viral on different platforms.

Why have Social Media PRs Become Essential?

  • A well-written press release has the chance to boost the company’s Search Engine Optimization performance. As it stays on the company’s website, when relevant keywords are included in the content, they tend to boost the rankings on search engines, resulting in more brand visibility and reach on the internet.
  • Social media platforms have a huge user base that any company can take advantage of through its press releases. The content can reach a worldwide audience in mere seconds, so it has the potential to create buzz around recent announcements.
  • As social media-friendly press releases have multimedia elements, they tend to be more engaging, gaining real-time interactions. This has a positive impact on fostering deeper brand connections.


Tips You Need to Create a Social Media-friendly Press Release:

1. Captivating Headline

No matter what kind of press release you are writing, whether you are writing about a recent partnership or a new product launch, if it is going on social media platforms, the headline has to be catchy. This headline should be compelling enough that it draws instant attention from the readers. Whenever anyone reads anything on social media, any kind of content, they decide whether to give it a go by reading the headline. The headline is the one that lets readers decide whether they should read the press release or not. So the number one tip would be to create an attractive headline. The ideal headline should be short, concise, and written in a way that excites the reader.

2. Gripping Quotes

Social media is a place where anyone can post anything they want so finding credibility in posts is a hard task. However, when you add compelling quotes to your PRs, they add credibility to the story. While adding quotes, make sure you are getting them from the right source. So choose the right spokesperson, supposedly someone who is relevant to the company, or someone who serves as an expert in the industry. Quotes also tend to add some human interest to the press release, making it more attractive to read.

3. Mobile-friendliness

Did you know that a greater number of social media users access the platforms from their mobiles? Statista reports that more than 98% of users who actively use Facebook access the biggest social networking site on their mobile phones. So whatever press release you are intending to publish, make sure it is mobile-friendly too. How do you make sure your PR is mobile-friendly? Make sure to use a responsive design in the content, whether it is a written format or video content. This allows the content and its layout to effortlessly blend into different screen orientations and sizes.

Other than the above-mentioned tips, you can also try to go live on social media which enables direct communication with your followers on the platform. Use the tips in the future to ensure you have a bigger audience, increasing brand awareness and visibility on social media.


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