Business Finance Legal Society Technology 

Renowned Artist Sues X Corp Over Free Speech

  Creating the First Federal Lawsuit Since Elon Musk Took Over   (YorkPedia Editorial):- San Francisco, California Jun 13, 2024 ( – Renowned NFT artist and largest artist on BNB Chain, Jeremy Ryan, also known as NFT Demon filed a lawsuit against X previously known as Twitter on several grounds in federal court. The lawsuit alleges multiple violations of state and federal law related to accounts suspensions and accusing X and Elon Musk of hypocrisy over free speech. The lawsuit stems from the permanent suspension of seven of Ryan’s accounts and accuses Twitter…

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Family Government Legal Religion 

Geneva Switzerland Accused of Genocide – Crimes Against Humanity in Communication to the International Criminal Court

(YorkPedia Editorial):- Geneve, Switzerland May 23, 2024 ( – Approaching nearly seven years of the seizure, forcible transfer and detainment of two young American boys by The Canton and Republic of Geneva, Switzerland, a highly comprehensive, Formal Communication, citing specific Acts of Genocide and specifics Acts of Crimes Against Humanity, has been filed against 76 individuals, as well as against numerous Geneva Governmental Bodies and Geneva Government-Related Institutions, with the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. A, “Communication” to the International Criminal Court is the legal…

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Business Defense Government Legal Reports 

Motion to Enter Default Judgement 1:24 cv 00479-RC did she just win?

  What does this mean for the Presidential Candidate Rev Dr Christina Clement?   (YorkPedia Editorial):- Washington, D.C, District of Columbia May 14, 2024 ( – Motion to Enter Default Judgement 1:24 cv 00479-RC SOLN Independent Party Presidential Candidate, Rev. Dr. Christina Clement, Moves to Enter Default Judgment in Legal Case Washington, D.C. – May 13, 2024 – Today, Rev. Dr. Christina Clement, presidential candidate for the SOLN Independent Party, has taken a decisive step in her pursuit of justice by filing a motion to enter a default judgment in Case…

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Finance Government Legal 

Veteran Black Attorney and Civil Rights Advocate Announce New PAC Focusing on Black and Minority Candidates

(YorkPedia Editorial):- Leesburg, Virginia Sep 16, 2023 ( – Veteran Black Attorney and Civil Rights Advocate Announce New PAC Focusing on Black and Minority Candidates Contact Phillip E. Thompson, Esq. Director Competitive Advantage PAC  [email protected]      Veteran attorney and civil rights activist Phillip E. Thompson is announcing the roll out of the Competitive Advantage, PAC, a political action committee that will focus on funding and supporting black and minority candidates for state and local office. Mr. Thompson will serve as the Executive Director of the Competitive Advantage, PAC using his experience…

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Business Legal Services 

NeuSource Startup Minds, which helps Indian startups obtain tax exemption.

New Delhi, Feb 14, 2023 ( – Startups are the future of India, and NeuSource Startup Minds is here to help to get tax exemption and other benefits for every eligible startup. Section 80-IAC provides 100 percent profit-based tax incentives. Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) provides entrepreneurs with recognition to help them grow, and NeuSource assists them in obtaining it. Being an eager promoter of invention, creation, and development, this organization provides help to get tax exemptions and other services to help achieve successful outcomes. Full Tax Exemption-related information is available…

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Banking Finance Legal Security Technology 

Advokatfirman Westman Attorneys Office and Euro FX Have Reached a Compensation Agreement.

Cyber Crime (YorkPedia Editorial):- London, United Kingdom Mar 8, 2023 ( – After several months of negotiations, In a stunning turn of events, the notorious Cyprus ownership group Euro Fx has finally agreed to compensate 47 plaintiffs represented by Swedish-based law firm Advokatfirman Westman Attorney’s Office after months of intense negotiations. This marks a major victory for the clients who have been defrauded by Euro Fx’s history of regulatory issues on three continents, including their operation of tradeOptions, a financial firm with a tarnished reputation. Euro Fx’s former CEO David Andrew Byrne…

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Business Defense Government Legal Society 

New Political Party, Redemption Party, Launches in the United States

(YorkPedia Editorial):- Atlanta, Georgia Mar 6, 2023 ( – A group of politically-minded individuals today announced the formation of a new political party, the Redemption Party. The party aims to provide a fresh perspective and new solutions to the issues facing the country. “We are tired of the same polarizing politics and the same divisive politicians,” said 2024 United States Presidential Candidate Ashaki Nichols, the party’s federal candidate. “The Redemption Party offers a new approach and a renewed commitment to the values that make our country great.” The party’s platform is focused…

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Legal Non-profit Society 

A Zimbabwean saga of alleged Corporate Abuse of an EU Citizen

(YorkPedia Editorial):- London, United Kingdom Jan 30, 2023 ( – An EU Citizen, Mr. Joseph Crnkovic (“Mr. Crnkovic”) has claimed that his human rights were violated by a Zimbabwean Company, Dallaglio Investments (Private) Limited (“Dallaglio”) Dallaglio is a subsidiary of the listed company Padenga Holdings Limited (“PADENGA”), which had operations in the USA through its ownership of the Texas alligator ranch Tallow Creek. The company is alledged to have finacially induced Advocate Thabani Mpofu (“Advocate Mpofu”) to hold a trial over Mr. Crnkovic for the Crime of Racism. This was paid for under instruction of the Chairman, the…

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Business Government Legal Open source Technology unknown 

Retired NYPD sergeant still seeking justice

Marchisotto said if a single justice looks at his case, that may convince the rest of the Court to join. (YorkPedia Editorial):- Jackson, New Jersey Jan 24, 2023 ( – For years now, a retired NYPD sergeant has looked for justice and found none in what he calls a corrupted judicial system full of judges interested only in covering each other’s backs. “I retired from the New York City Police Department. I know what justice is. I know what fair treatment is. I know what the courts are supposed to do because…

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Education Family Investment Legal Real Estate 

Family Violence, Intervention Orders, Fraud – In the State of Victoria, Australia

Are Family Violence, and Personal Saftey Intervention Orders being used by alleged victims and law firms as fast-tracking citizenship and securing property rights? (YorkPedia Editorial):- Melbourne, Victoria Jan 21, 2023 ( – “Melbourne Detective” – Private Investigator Melbourne Australia “Melbourne Detective” is a registered trademark of the Trustee for Shining Star Capital Trust (IP Australia Trademark 2195496) About Us The “Melbourne Detective” trademark and logo are owned by the Trustee of Shining Star Capital and operated by investigators with more than 50 years of combined research, military, ex-police, and consultancy experience. Services…

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